2024-02-24 12:44:05

Costly cellphone jamming technology ditched in all prisons

Corrections has silently eradicated all cellphone jammers from prisons.

The implementation of technology in 2008-09 aimed at preventing inmates from using smuggled mobile phones has resulted in costs surpassing $17 million.

Since June, jammers have been discontinued as they were discovered to disrupt the functioning of the recently installed safety systems for prison guards.

Corrections Minister Phil Goff declared that the introduction of cellphone blocking in New Zealand prisons is a significant stride towards curbing prisoners' ability to commit additional offenses while serving their sentences.

Details obtained through the Official Information Act reveal the number of cellphones seized from the 18 prisons operated by Corrections within the last three years.

Between January 2020 and November of this year, the Corrections staff uncovered 626 cellphones and more than 750 cellphone-related items, such as batteries, chargers, and SIM cards.

Neil Beales, the Corrections chief custodial officer, explained that the removal of the cellphone jammer in June led to inmates smuggling cellphones.

According to his statement, it was determined that the jammers were causing interference with modern safety systems, specifically affecting alarms used for the safety of corrections officers.

Developments in cellular technology have made jammers increasingly irrelevant.

Beales clarified that the tool mentioned was merely one of many utilized to prevent the usage of cellphones within prisons. He emphasized that there are still numerous more effective tools currently in operation.

Within the realm of cellphone detection, Cellsense devices stand out by effectively identifying a wide range of metals. These devices not only possess screening and x-ray capabilities but also utilize detection dogs to enhance their metal detection capabilities.

Beale stated that a few inmates go to great lengths to sneak contraband into prisons, and we are continuously endeavoring to anticipate the innovative techniques employed for smuggling contraband into our correctional institutions.

The Corrections department has been actively seeking out new and emerging technology to supplement their current systems, as mentioned by the spokesperson. They have recently begun incorporating full body imaging technology at several sites to detect concealed contraband on or within individuals.

The year 2018 saw Corrections officials confirming the existence of a communications blind spot near Rimutaka Prison due to cellphone jamming technology, which led to the inability to monitor residents of a child sex offender unit situated outside the facility.

The use of cellphones by inmates can lead to manipulation of individuals outside the prison environment and facilitate illegal activities like drug trafficking. In May of this year, nine prison staff members at Rimutaka were suspended due to alleged misconduct, which included the smuggling of cellphones into the facility.

Roger Brooking, a criminologist and drug and alcohol counsellor, has long been critical of the investment in signal blockers. Therefore, it is not unexpected that Corrections has chosen to discontinue their use.

According to him, their effectiveness is non-existent and has never been present.

According to the accounts of prisoners, they have discovered blind spots in the prison where the signal jammer does not function properly. As a result, inmates have been able to use cellphones to engage in illegal activities or stay in touch with their loved ones.

  • 名前:perfectjammer
  • ニックネーム:perfectjammer
  • 住所:岩手県
  • 性別:男性
  • 誕生日:1996-05-03
  • 血液型:AB
  • 投資歴:1年未満
  • 投資対象: 国内株式
  • 自己紹介
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